Category Archives: wood

Wooden End Tables

Our new (rental) house is much bigger than our last 2 apartments, so not only is our dining table in a different room than our couch/living area, but we actually “need” end tables by our couch. We started roughly from … Continue reading

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Shelves for the kitchen

Our new apartment is somewhat… limited… in terms of cabinets and counter space. Half of our kitchen is taken up by appliances, and our “pantry” had been this cluttered table in the corner where a dining room table would have … Continue reading

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Floating Pencil Holder

Every now and then, my husband dreams up a very specific project, and immediately makes it. There’s usually not much ruminating or “hmm, what should I make”, but rather “I’m going to make a pencil holder and this is what … Continue reading

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Custom-made wall-hung bookshelf

Last time on La Casa de Crafts, we were cutting lots of boards. We’ve finally turned those boards (which we purchased almost 2 years ago!) into a custom-made, wall-hung bookshelf. For the almost-3-years that we’ve lived here, this entire wall above … Continue reading

Posted in home dec, wood | 1 Comment

Handmade Christmas: This and That

I have a valid excuse for still posting Christmas gifts, I promise. The last few years, my family has celebrated Christmas in January, to give us more time to see the rest of our families during the actual Christmas holiday. … Continue reading

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Handmade Christmas: Wooden Projects

Happy New Year! We had lovely Christmas weeks visiting a lot of family in Michigan & Tennessee. We even saw a bit of snow in Michigan. I was getting worried that we’d go a whole year without seeing snow! We … Continue reading

Posted in finished, wood | 2 Comments

Handmade Cribbage Board

As a wedding gift for Ryder’s brother and his new bride, we decided to make them a cribbage board. After finding a template online, we purchased two 3/4″ boards from a hobby wood shop – walnut and white maple. With … Continue reading

Posted in finished, wood | 6 Comments